Sunday, August 16, 2020

Magic In the Neighborhood

 I am saddened to have to preface this blog post that I am super excited about with an apology to you, my readers, for the junk formatting. Blogger has updated something and I accidentally hit a button and this happened and I can't figure out how to reverse it. I've spent on and off the last two hours trying to figure it out and even my friend Scott F. who I meet way back in my Marysville Library days tried to help other chat. I'll post on the blogger message board and hope when Blogger forces everyone to update, this will go back to normal. For now, it's not my fault. Well, it's sorta my fault but for all their napping pods you'd think google would have a button to reverse this  Anyway, we will press on:

Hi, I'm interrupting my planned lineup of blog posts (I'm still very behind) to devote some time to something truly amazing and magical right in my own backyard. I included a couple pictures of it's debut last year in a post but really, it deserves its own featured post.

The Plant Kindness Project is in my hometown and on Bullard-Rutan road. 

If I wasn't fired up about raising dahlias before, I certainly am now. There is a reason why some varieties are called "dinner plate" dahlias. 

It's not just flowers that are gifts for visitors but also, fresh veggies.

There is hand sanitizer, and a box for suggestions and donations. I dropped off a little lavender, a gardener's trade. 

They've added a new activity this year. 

And now, for the feature you've all been waiting for...

Well, it certainly looks interesting. Let's get up close and see...

This is walking tunnel completely covered by plants: gourd vines and their gourds. 

Pause a while in the quiet shade and enjoy the softness of being surrounded by so much life. 

You might find an activity or two along the way. 

And it's not just dahlia blooms that are the size of dinner plates!

This is one of my favorite pictures from my visit. 

There is more to explore. 

Even the exit is beautiful.

I think this is a pumpkin Linus VanPelt would be envious of.

Let's check out the flower field next.

I hope you can hear the bees buzzing from this picture. It was like a busy airport with bees everywhere. This lovely addition to the bench was a real pleasant surprise for the children's librarian in me. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you never want to miss one, don't rely on the Facebook algorithm. You can put your email in the box in the upper right hand corner, or follow the blog. 

1 comment:

End of the Line said...

The tunnel is amazing.