Friday, February 12, 2010

So I am going to enter a contest...

You can read more about it here

And scroll through the entries to the one dated February 7th.

Wish me



Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Note about the Advocacy Column

Hello, if you have ideas for advocacy topics, have an advocacy question or want to nominate yourself for a future interview, drop a line at

All submissions will be considered.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Maxwell and Molly are finally mixing and I think we're making progress. Maxwell still stays largely in his room. We had to move the boxspring and mattress away because he kept hiding under the bed. Sunday night I returned from an author visit and found him on the family room couch to which he made a slight eeep sound and ran down the dining room and hallway and up the stairs back into his room so he must know his way around.

I was worried about Molly. Up until Tuesday night, Maxwell had her buffaloed, charging out of his room to the landing, kicking his hind legs out and chasing her off. Molly always came up to investigate though and she's figured out his bluff.

Last night I watched them get very close to each other. It was very interesting to watch. There was no chasing or spitting, just some low growling. Maxwell has the look on his face of being resigned that this other cat is going to do what she wants, but I hope he is understanding she isn't going to hurt him. He tolerated her approach until she touched his tail with her nose, then he lashed out but even then it seemed half hearted.

He was on the landing this morning but raced back into his room. I can only hope someday he'll be racing around the whole house with Molly, fast friends and happy.

I'll post some pictures of Molly soon.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Meet Maxwell

Well, the Monday after Christmas Andrew and I stopped by Petsmart before going to see Sherlock Holmes. I did not expect to see a cat I would be interested in but there was a little fluffy cat named Maxwell laying in his litter pan. He looked kinda like Kitten, and is fluffier than Tweek, with both layers of coat instead of one.

He loved to be petted and went on his hind legs to meet our hands for pets on his head. He has a sweet little cry, kinda like "eow" and it's the most pitiful cry you've ever heard. One of the adoption folks had a little dog on a leash they use to see how cats react. Maxwell left us in the play room to trot down the hall to his cage, and waited for the adoption person to open the door then he jumped right in. We loved him and he's been home since the day before New Year's Eve. He was one of 19 cats rescued from a good intentioned hoarder, who lives near a junk yard and just got overwhelmed.

He's still in the guest room, but is often in the room to greet us now instead of hiding under the bed. He already plays hard to get, refusing to jump on the bed (even though tell tale tumbleweeds of fur indicate he's been on it when we aren't around.) So we have to come to him to pet him but he's so darn cute and lets us rub his belly.

He needs fattened up, and his ears cleaned out and he is slowly meeting Molly. He took a swipe at her through the door they other day and I hope he won't dominate her, but as long as tehy get along and play together I guess it doesn't matter.

I'll keep you posted. jules