Monday, August 18, 2008

Learn and Play at CML Or, my Ambivalence for "Hey, you really got to try..."

Dear Friends and Family, yes it's time for Julie's random blog post. But, coincidentally, I am blogging now as part of a learn and play initiative for the Columbus Metropolitan Library System where I work and the good folks there want us to all learn and play with new technology. So, I already had the blog so posting was just like half the task for this week.

But, I think this is an ideal time to air out my ambivalence, hesitance and, okay let's face it downright indifference at times to all these new things to do on the web. I hope my honesty will be at best refreshing, and at worst (I'm trying to avoid at worst) revealing me as a sham of a young librarian who should be as gee whiz gadgety as they get.

Okay, let me back up. It's a bit of a running joke between me and my friend Beth Gallaway about my so-so attitude about every new little whatchamacallit that comes down the pike. Beth will send me some link to some thing, link ning or twitter or you name it and invite me to join. Sometimes I do, I create an account and then I never go back to it again, or I just never create an account. Beth's aware of this, so I don't feel so bad admitting it to God and everyone else on the web.

It's the same ambivalence I feel when I go to a conference and the inevitable technology session listing the things I should be doing right now and something inside me just kind of sighs.

I'll use this blog as an example.

Just as I was posting a picture, recently taken at the beloved Champaign County Fair, I scrolled down the rest of the screen to find that I have failed to fill out most of the profile thingys like favorites/interests etc. I looked at the boxes and something inside of me sighed (hey, I'm a writer I do a lot of internal sighing). I mean, I have already filled this stuff out on facebook and myspace and here it is on blogger.

And maybe that's what my internal sighing is really all about. There's just so much. MySpace? Facebook? Or some other new great thing everyone is on. Shutterfly? Flickr? Photobucket? Photobuquette? (that last one is a joke).

I have like, four email addresses, not counting the gmail I use to get into this blog, which, I never look at. One for ebay, one for work, personal and work-personal.


And see here is the thing, when I go home, I don't go on the computer. It's not that I have like some deeply held principle to not be on it...technically I am when I am writing (technically it's not writing so much as inputting my longhand writing) and working on my photographs.

But when I come home, I just want to do other stuff that I enjoy. Ideally I suppose, to fit the mold of the young librarian gizmo wonder gal, I would enjoy doing all these techno things at home. But I'd rather not. I'd rather:

Be outside, working on our yard (read mowing, watering trees, general upkeep)
Be outside at my parents house, eating dinner on their deck or playing with the dog or hanging out by the pond or
Be outside at the really cool place my Dad works, climbing up in treestands taking pictures of nature and wildlife.

I'd also rather be:
refinishing furniture (although I don't do this one so much anymore)
working on stamp art (newer hobby)
working on fabric painting (so new I haven't started it yet)
watching stargate atlantis with andrew
putting something in the bread machine
making cookies


going to a wood turning class


running the 5,000 errands one needs to do when working full time, like

taking the recycling in becasue your rural county, God love it, doesn't have curbside pick up

paying bills (yes, I know I can pay them online...)

getting groceries

getting tires rotated (try doing that online)

picking up presecriptions, drycleaning, taking cats to the vet
dropping off goodwill stuff


Look, I'm not trying to argue that my life is some full vessel of excitement and glamor, or that the activities that I enjoy doing are superior to posting on a blog every 6 hours or twittering or playing an online game--not at all!!!

What I am saying is everyone has a limited amount of time in the day. We all have to make choices. I generally choose to minimize my tech use compared to some folks I know to do other things.

But then I feel a little guilty, not keeping up with all the gee whiz stuff.

And the really sick thing is, I've really enjoyed typing up this post so why don't I do it more often?

Anyone want to comment, I'll put this post on the psychologist's couch.

Next Blog: But what about gaming? Aren't you like, really big into that.


Beth Gallaway said...

Well, heavens, I don't keep up with all those Web 2.0 things! I'm fickle. I take them out to dinner, date them for 6 months, and drop them for something better. I've been cheating on my LJ with Twitter and Second Life for a year - I ever wrote it a Dear John letter.

I HATE Facebook, but I'm trying to use it to communicate with my Teen Advisory League. I love Flickr and Twitter and Dopplr (When I can remember to log in and update my whereabouts.

I guess my wonderful hubby takes care of things like the bills and cooking, so I'm only settled with a few errands (like oil changes and post office and grocery shopping). I don't clean. I don't have a yard. I've never been too into the Great Outdoors *shrug* I'm watching a lot less TV and reading a lot fewer YA novels, to play WoW and SL and blog. Different strokes for different folks, that's all.

I'll tell ya what - for every blog post YOU do, I'll spend an hour outside, and will bake something.

I draw the line at climbing trees though :D

Julie & Andrew said...

Beth, treestands are very safe. You can get a safety harness and buckle yourself onto a safety belt right on the try and sit on a little seat and watch the world go by...

Andy said...

AMEN sister,....Jules,...I try to keep on top of all the new-fangled-stuff. I have both a Facebook and Myspace account (for a while now...I actually enjoy them), but Twitter, that just leaves me cold. I don't see the point. I had a personal blog during library school,...but I had a readership of exactly 5 people,...who I spoke with regularly, I wasn't blogging anything new or earth-shattering. Flickr is okay,...but I've been photo-sharing for years without that service.
yada, yadda....

I totally agree with you,....there are limited hours in the day, after a day at the libe, ...and when I come home,...I should be able to water my flowers, clean my house, do my laundry, and all that mundane stuff without feeling like I'm shirking my Library responsibilities.
I think this is all geared towards people who aren't conversant in all the latest new gadgets. My younger sibs keep me up to date on all this,...or conversely, I do them.

Upshot is,...water your trees. If you don't, who will? Twitter doesn't need a constant update, like your saplings do.

As ever,