Friday, January 21, 2005

Another snowstorm?

Everyone from the chiropractor's receptionist to the people in the grocery store keep yammering about 4 to 8 inches tommorrow in central Ohio. Andrew is going to leave me the truck to drive to the library and go into the firehouse 12 hours early so he doesn't have to take the corolla on bad roads. the online forecasts don't seem to be backing this up, but last time we ignored weather reports, it took me two and a half hours to get home so maybe we should play it safe. In other news, I've recently discovered EBAY. It's that same laziness that kept me from doing a blog that kept me from EBAY but now, I'm thrilled to report, I may never buy clothes in the store again. I hate the fitting rooms and trying on different sizes. I get hot and thirsty and a headache. So far I have scored 4 new ebay sweaters cheaper than catalog prices even with the shipping. It's quite fun. More Monday.

You're little blogger,

1 comment:

Julie & Andrew said...

I mean Your Little Blogger, see, the Internet does make a person's grammar go all to Hell.