Saturday, February 20, 2021

Trail Cam Follies: Winter Edition!

There has been a lot of action on the winter trail cams that I just had to share with you. Nothing beats these candid shots of animals of all kinds taking advantage of the human hand-out in these hard, high snow times. I love the details of this Cardinal's feet pressed against her body.

Surely there is room for both the Cardinal and the Jay?

The Jay may not think so. They are so intelligent...and greedy.

If this is not enough Cardinals for you, check out this lovely conference...and how deep the snow is.



And the Mourning Doves are no slouches either when it comes to aerial acrobatics. 


Not to be outdone, here are some lovely shots of a Northern Flicker, also known as a Yellowhammer Woodpecker. There is also an Alabama Yellowhammer, but it is in the bunting family. But thanks for naming too different birds Yellowhammer (sigh.) At least I'm fairly sure it's a Northern Flickr.

Here a hawk and squirrel share some space.

Oh and look, I saved the most amazing picture for almost last.

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