Monday, May 04, 2020

Hunting for Mousies

I know that mousies isn't a word, but it's a word when I'm encouraging Tutu to hunt mice in the lavender. I was weeding the other night when it was nice weather and I had her on one of her little lines that gives her a radius of 20 feet or so. I noticed she was especially intent on something so I took a break and walked over. I was talking on the phone with a friend so I didn't get a chance to take a video but I did capture the videos below. Before I took these pictures Tutu was racing back and forth sniffing and listening right above a mouse path in the grass. I think the mouse has a tunnel that actually mimics the tunnel below. I encouraged her and then she showed me the entrance to the mouse hole and then began to dig. I drew the line when it appeared that she was starting to eat the dirt for some reason I can't even guess at. She didn't get the mousie this time but she has gotten them before and tomorrow is another day. She certainly wore herself out that night. Maxwell stays in the guest room a lot since I'm home because that means Tutu has run of the house a lot more. He still gets the whole house at night when Tutu is in the bedroom with us but he took advantage of Tutu visiting Mom and Dad the other day. In other news, if you have asked yourself, "I wonder if Julie is still playing Pokemon Go?" The answer is... In baking, I made this cobbler with some canned blackberries in the pantry clean up effort. This is the second recipe I have made from this title. The double lemon pound cake was amazing but a lot of work. I'm not a big blackberry fan, but I did like the cake part. It's very biscuit-y and I think it might be good with strawberries. In garden news, these two kale plants survived the winter after being planted late spring 2019. No mean feat considering they are living on a hill facing west. And I'll wrap up with a view from the lavender and another picture of Tutu.

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